Sunday, 17 May 2009


Fabulous Las Vegas

Hoover Dam

Grand Canyon

Route 66. Williams, Arizona

Monument Valley

California Bound

Tehachapi Wind Farm

San Francisco

Bread in the USA

Friday, 24 April 2009

Spring has sprung

Adam sitting nicely like a good dog should. 

Both dogs steadfastly refusing to sit nicely and have their photograph taken.

The Hound dog O'Hooligans eye up some prey. Yours or mine?

Older, Greyer, Wiser?

Monday, 16 March 2009

Monday, 2 February 2009

Snowbound of E17

While the rest of London was paralysed by the heaviest snowfall for twenty years I thought it best to stay home, nice and cosy double wrapped in fleece. Unfortunately, doggies have to be walked and I was obliged to venture forth into the frozen wastes.

Backyard. Siberia, London E17.

Snow dogs in their winter coats. Cold paws but warm withers.

Nanook, Blithering Inuit. Siberia, London E17.

View up Jewel Road.

Jewel Road in all its snowy magnificence.

The Park.

A winter wonderland with Jack Frost nipping at your nose. Bollocks, it's freezing!

Poo Alley. Adam's favourite dumping ground.

Aveling Park Bowling Green (White?)

William Morris Museum. Someone's dinked the railings! An unscheduled skid, perhaps?

William Morris Museum in the snow.

Walthamstow Town Hall.

Winter Holiday