Sunday, 4 May 2008


Here we have Lord Adam of Muck at one with his sofa. As the Greyhound Prince lays his handsome, scarred and grizzled old snout down we know that there's only one thing on his mind and it's not cats, squirrels or foxes.

It's Sausages!

Big, fat ones. Thin, slinky ones. Black ones, red ones, white ones. Garlic sausage, black pudding, Liver sausage, Polish sausage, German sausage, Spanish sausage. Bring it on. He loves them all.

Chorizo, Andouilette, Frankfurter, Mortadella, Morcilla, Zampone, Cotechino, Embotits...... Arghhhh!!!! It's like celestial music!! I can't stand it!! Sausages, Sausages, Sausages!!!!!!!

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1 comment:

Fatboy said...

Any chance of a sausage, you fat bugger.

Love, Adam